Fireagate-Medallion SunayLaLuna Gemsjewelry

Fireagate-Medallion “Whirlwind”

Fireagate-Medallion “Whirlwind”


A fire agate with olivines in patinated and unpatinated copper wire.

Dimensions: 4.7 x 3.2 cm (1.85 x 1.26 “)

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Fireagate-Medallion “Whirlwind”

has a beautiful shimmering fire agate as the main stone. As accents, I set 8 cabochon-shaped Olivine (Peridot) 3 mm. Semipreciousstonesjewelry, fireagate-medallion handmade by SunayLaLuna.

And like usually it is unique.

This piece of jewelry got the name Whirlwind because I see and feel the wind in it.

The combination of wire and semi-precious stones results in a combination that can even be worn beautifully as costume jewelry.

On the one hand, I used pure, nickel-free copper wire for the frame, which I patinated and polished, which gives it this antique-looking look. On the other hand I used “non-tarnish” copper wire, which gives this nice contrast after patinating.


Effects of the fire agate (excerpts from “The Great Lexicon of Healing Stones, Fragrances and Herbs)

The Indians have valued the fire agate for many generations as a gem and healing stone. They believed that the fire agate kept all evil away from the body of its wearer. And even today it is still considered one of the sacred foundations of the Indians.

Effects on the body:

The fire agate has a strong effect on the inner cells of the body. In this respect, it controls cell division and cell structure. Fire agate is also often used as a sexual stone, preventing impotence and even frigidity by restoring inner balance. Therefore, it has a healing effect on testicles, ovaries and uterus in diseases of the genital organs. People with strong hormone fluctuations should therefore always have a fire agate with them to compensate for this.

Effects on the psyche:

The fire agate has a general balancing effect. Therefore, it protects us from strong mood swings. It can also help alleviate and even cure impotence caused by poor education and psychological stress. This also applies to sexually inhibited and tight people. Fire agate also frees us from prejudice and exaggerated fear. We get to know each other better and find that we are not free of mistakes.

Effects of copper (excerpts from “The Great Lexicon of Healing Stones, Fragrances and Herbs”)

The radiating and healing properties of copper have been known since the Middle Ages.

Effects on the Body:

Copper has very powerful healing properties on the blood and blood circulation. It also strengthens the immune system. In addition, copper is also a strong metal that supports the woman in her menstrual period. It relieves abdominal and abdominal pain before the period. It also regenerates the metabolic balance of the glands during the period.

In addition, copper also has very strong anticonvulsant effects on the nerves and muscle fibers. For example, it helps very well with rheumatic muscle and joint diseases. It also prevents severe joint wear and calcification. Furthermore, copper protects the liver, spinal cord, kidneys and lungs from diseases, fungal infections, jaundice or catarrh. Copper also relieves anemia and malignant anemia.

Copper is also a very strong metal against earth and water jets. People who suffer from frequent insomnia, sleep disorders and sensitivity to the weather should definitely have a piece of natural copper on their neck or under the mattress.

Effects on the psyche:

Copper strengthens the wearer’s self-confidence. It instills courage and promotes decision-making. With the help of copper, life decisions are particularly difficult to identify and make better. Copper also has the property that it elicits the truth not only from its wearer – but also from its counterpart. Larger copper nuggets placed in the apartment can harmonize the entire family aura. It inspires all members to be more open, truthful and pure. Copper strengthens family harmony particularly strongly.

I hope that with the excerpts from the book mentioned above I was able to give you a feeling for the effect of the fire agate and copper.

SunayLaLuna / semipreciousstonesjewelry / fireagate-medallion


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